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Just prior to Christmas, I was lucky enough to be a guest on the latest episode of Trust Me!: the podcast presented by the Trusts and Estates Section of the California Lawyers Association, with Kristen Yokomoto, podcast host and Executive Committee Member of the CLA Trust and Estate Section (TEXCOM).

We had a great time diving into some recent (and a couple not-so-recent) appellate decisions exploring the risks that estate planning lawyers face from third party malpractice claims. The short version? Those risks are, somehow, simultaneously both Not As Bad As You Think They Might Be, while also Way Worse Than You’d Like Them To Be. And of course, there are steps you can take to minimize those risks as much as possible (assuming that the “you” reading this are in fact an estate planning lawyer, and not a random reader who perhaps enjoys both podcasts and family drama. But trust me, there’s plenty of that for this alternate “you” as well).

You can listen to the episode here. And while you’re there, you should also subscribe to Trust Me! to receive new podcast episodes as they are released.