This month Judge John P. Winn replaces Judge Steven M. Gevercer as the Supervising Probate Judge in Department 129 of the Sacramento County Superior Court, as part of judicial reassignments that occur each January.
Judge Winn will be handling a broad range of matters in Department 129, including trust disputes, probate administrations, conservatorships and guardianships. Long cause trials typically are sent to downtown trial departments and are not heard in Department 129.
Judge Gevercer presided in the probate department in 2016 and 2017. He encouraged the development of a Probate Court Pro Bono Panel at the Voluntary Legal Services Program to match up volunteer attorneys with unrepresented parties. Judge Gevercer now takes a trial assignment at the downtown courthouse.
Appointed by Governor Gray Davis, Judge Winn has served on the bench since 2003. He was Chief Counsel of the Board of Prison Terms, Staff Counsel at the Department of Corrections, and a Deputy District Attorney in Yolo County and Sacramento County.
Judge Winn has a B.A. from the University of Massachusetts and a law degree from Boston College.